AngularJS and Firebase do a very good combo to do real time apps. Since AngularJS offers you a good framework with double-data-binding Firebase offers a realtime-database, also firebase has AngularFire to make them work together perfectly.

So I created a calendar that syncs the events between different clients in real time. This is the bower.json with the dependencies.

  "name": "calendar",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "dependencies": {
    "angular": "1.2.15",
    "angular-ui-calendar": "latest",
    "angular-ui-date": "latest",
    "jquery": "1.9.0",
    "firebase": "1.0.21",
    "angularfire": "0.8.2",
    "bootstrap": "3.0.3"

We will use the angular-ui-calendar that mixes fullcalendar with angular, and angular-ui-date for the datepickers.

Lets start by creating an angular controler

angular.module('calendar', ['ui.calendar', '', 'firebase'])
.controller('calendar', ['$scope', '$firebase', function($scope, $firebase){
    $ = [[]];

angular-ui-calendar expects the events to be an array "event sources", and those event sources can be arrays, functions, or urls that return a json of events. We will use an array, so for now we set events as an array inside of an array. Add the calendar to the view using the ui-calendar directive.

<div ui-calendar ng-model="events"></div>

Now, we need a form to add new events, that will look like

<form ng-submit="addEvent()">
  <input ng-model="newEvent.title" type="text" placeholder="Title">
  <input ui-date ui-date-format="DD, d MM, yy" ng-model="newEvent.start">
  <input type="submit" value="Add">

note that we are using the ui-date directive that will generate a datepicker integrated with angular.

In the controller we create the method addEvent()

$scope.newEvent = {
  title: '',
  start: ''

$scope.addEvent = function(){

  $scope.newEvent = {
    title: '',
    start: ''

We have an object newEvent in the $scope and our form is bound to it, the addEvent() method pushes that object into our events array and then clears the values. Right now we have a calendar and a way to add events to it, but we still need to sync with firebase.

So our next step is to create an account in firebase if we dont have one yet, go to your dashboard and open the app that firebase creates for you, then copy the url, it will be something like this


Inside the controller now we have to create a firebase object like this

var firebaseEvents = new Firebase("");

Now that we have a firebase object, we pass it to $firebase, that is a factory that AngularFire provides us to bind firebase and angular

var events = $firebase(firebaseEvents);

The next step is to substitute our previous array of events, for the firebase array. The AngularFire object knows how to work as an object or as an array, we need an array of events so we will use the $asArray() method

$ = [events.$asArray()];

And as the last step, in our addEvent() method, we will use $push() instead of push


In this demo I don't cover firebase authentication, and any user can modify the events, but you should put authentication and review the user permissions in your app.

You can get the complete demo from my github here